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  • Ocean Reeve

Three Common Publishing Hurdles

Yes, there are publishing hurdles that can prevent bringing a book to life. Just the process of writing a book is a massive undertaking and once written; it’s not hard to see why some people hesitate to commit to a journey with so many uncertainties.

Complicating things further is that the majority of the work is not the actual writing process, or even the publishing process, but marketing. For many potential authors, understanding the publishing process and book marketing can evoke frustration and destroy their aspirations.

But it doesn’t have to be a cumbersome, confusing process. It’s important to know that publishing your book takes more than a little time and the ability to Google ‘How do I publish a book?’ It takes action, belief and commitment. You need a competent and qualified team and the ability to hold yourself accountable to the process. If you don’t know what those activities are or how to complete them, you can run into issues.

Publishing a quality book and have it do well is not impossible. Publishing and marketing a book is a series of small steps that add up to an experience of a lifetime.

Here are three typical publishing hurdles people encounter that often put a stop to the publishing journey. As you take the first few steps in your publishing journey and make your dreams of publishing a book your reality, consider how and when these hurdles will affect you and how to overcome them.

First Publishing Hurdle: I Can’t Do It

Self-doubt is the writer’s biggest enemy. Everyone who has ever chosen to express themselves creatively would’ve, at some point, fallen victim to creeping self-doubt. No matter where you are in the process of creating your book, self-doubt can slow your momentum, convincing you that you just aren’t good enough, that you have nothing of value to share, or you ask yourself ‘who wants to know my story/experience/insight’ – so you quit before embarrassment occurs.

Three Common Publishing Hurdles
Three Common Publishing Hurdles

Jumping the Hurdle:

There is no crystal 8-Ball that will keep you from feeling this occasionally. However, keeping a positive attitude, holding self-belief and working with a strong team can help guide you through it. Keep moving through and understand that, even if things aren’t exactly how you imagined, you’re still doing it…you’ve still made that step. Stay patient when you need to be; be bold and assertive when you need to be, and take the lead in driving your creative expression through to completion.

I have worked with almost 5000 authors in my career. If you were to ask me how often I have walked people through this cloud, I couldn’t tell you as I have lost count. Here are two common questions that do occur during the self-doubt moments and my responses.

1. How many potential authors do you talk to who never published their book?

I have met thousands, tens of thousands, of people who have shown an interest in writing and publishing. From that group only a very small percentage actual start writing. From them, only a very small percentage finish. From them, only a very small percentage decides to talk to someone in my seat and finally, from them, only a very small percentage actually decides to take that next step. We are taught to stick within the mob mentality mindset and not step up and out. Our inner voice inherently wants to be creative but our conditioning has taught us to stay within the norm. The funny thing is, once we are expressing our creativity and realising it publicly, the feeling of accomplishment, satisfaction and joy is irreplaceable.

2. Is there any kind of review process I can get to help me get an honest appraisal of my book?

Absolutely. A manuscript appraisal is the first place we recommend new authors start. It is essential to get that professional feedback and critique so you are building confidence with each step taken. You can read more about Manuscript Appraisals here.

Second Publishing Hurdle: I’m Too Busy

Life gets in the way. Between family and work commitments, and the day-to-day grind, it can keep you from getting your book published or promote it. So it’s easy to let the idea of the long game get to you. The easy option is just giving up.

Three Common Publishing Hurdles
Three Common Publishing Hurdles

Jumping the Hurdle:

If it’s important to you, you’ll make the time. Action plans are everything. Scheduling time each day or second day to focus on your book, and whether you spend one hour or four, make sure you’re making progress each time.

Additionally, ensure your publishing team of knowledgeable, responsive, efficient professionals keep you on course, advising you which tasks need to be completed, and help you find the time you need to put into moving your book from idea to a reality. You’re putting in the time, but your team can help you move through each part of the process one step at a time. Here are two recommendations I would suggest before beginning the journey.

1. Realise and accept that no one is saying you have to change your life and structure of it to publish and promote your book. Start small with allocating 30 minutes a day to some activity towards your dream and as you form the habit, you will soon see that become an hour, two hours…

2. Ask for help. Ensure you start building your team by working with a publishing house that offers a dedicated publishing manager and marketing mentor to guide you through these two areas of unknowns. We deliberately structured our publishing company to offer those two quite definitive sides to the journey and the right people to work with you so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

Third Publishing Hurdle: There’s no money in publishing, so why pay to publish for no return

If you have chosen not to approach trade publishers or have already received rejection letters then self-publishing or assisted independent publishing are your two only options. These options aren’t free as you are paying for a service. Depending on your vision you could self-publish for free in some cases right up to investing $15,000. However, the misconception that there is no money in publishing a book is totally incorrect. When self-publishing it is certainly more challenging to make a return on your investment as you tend to be steering the ship solely on your own with no real tangible support. Whilst there are success stories with self-publishing, it is important to accept that it is harder.

However, with assisted independent publishing it is a different story. As it includes marketing and distribution support the focus from all involved is reaching the first target to return investment and once achieved the second target to sell out of the first print run and reprint culminating to the final target which is build a career as an author utilising the book as the foundation. Within our Book Marketing Mentorship program, we develop all three of these goals together, work towards them together and celebrate the success together.

As mentioned above, assisted independent publishing isn’t free, and sticker shock can certainly set in. Finances can be an issue for some people. Assisted independent publishing puts you in charge of your own destiny much more than traditional publishing methods, but that also means putting more of yourself into it, including cash.

Jumping the Hurdle:

With different services at different price points, Ocean Reeve Publishing offers a variety of tailored options that best fit your budget and needs. Better still, by offering payment plans that allow you to pay in stages; you can take your time in planning out your book’s release.

Don’t let imaginary sticker shock stop you. Call us +61 07 3117 3781 and ask. Here are two common questions that do occur during the decision making process and my responses.

1. How much does assisted independent publishing cost?

It varies depending on your needs. We base our pricing on the word count of your book and any images. Book size, print run, other services can be easily included. To give a ballpark, it usually ranges between $5000-$15,000. In each case there is a financial forecast provided to show exactly how many books need to be sold at what pre-sale and retail price to gain the return-on-investment.

2. Are there additional costs later?

Unless you want to add in another service we offer from the original agreement, no. We are 100% transparent with the costs and process involved in bringing your book to life and can’t stand hidden costs. There are of course exceptions, for example; if you decide to add another 5000 words post-editorial process, then naturally we need to allow for the time, money and resources that will be absorbed in addressing the new additions.

Three Common Publishing Hurdles
Three Common Publishing Hurdles

Bottom line is that fear or lack of confidence, excuses and procrastination, finance and self-doubt are usually the fundamental factors driving the creation of these publishing hurdles. They need to be jumped and this is done best with a team who are committed to your vision.  So let’s rephrase these statements (hurdles) and take the step to bring your story to life, create that impact and legacy and become a published author.

  • First Hurdle: I Can’t Do It. REPHRASED – I Can Do It!

  • Second Hurdle: I’m Too Busy. REPHRASED – I Can Make Time!

  • Third Hurdle: There’s no money in publishing, so why pay to publish for no return. REPHRASED – With the right team, strategies and plan, I will create success with my book!

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